lame kan..x tulis kt sini..bzla..
lgpun skrg ni aku kt smntara ade byk citer nih..
n fresh..baikla aku hapdet blog ni..
1st town yg aku g scara official ialah kurihashi town..
asal official?ehehehe..
sbb da tmasuk lam syllabus course ni..kire wajib pegila kn..
tmpt ni dlu kene taufan..dulu tu thn 1947..
pstu ade levee pecah kt area situ..n banjir teruk la..
ramai la org yg mati n reta bnda hancus.. taukan levee tu ape kan..
tau kan..baguss..

so in order to prevent the next catastrophe (kalu ade..) dorg pn construct la super levee..
bapakla tinggi levee tu..da macam bukit di depan umah anda..ehehehhe..
tinggi wei..lebih 7 meter ade..
tp yg syoknyer..atr levee ngan sungai tu ade flood plain..
so mase musim x banjir..mcm2 aktiviti la dorg bt kt situ..
kire mcm kawasan lapang utk berekreasi..
(mase aku g..ade sorg pakcik tu tgh main golf..testing power sehh..)
dlm ati aku..tmpt korg luas terbentang..nk bt cam ni mmg la xde hal..tanah pn byk
cube test kt malaysia..confirm mngaum sume org..
xleh tgk sungai la..sungai sumber inspirasi la..ape kami nk makan kalu da x nmpk sungai la..
tanah mahal la..apela..bla bla buang segala mak nenek smpah lam sungai tu xpe plak..
xde plak pk sungai tu sumber kehidupan..slambe je kotorkn sungai xdela plak pk sg tu utk generasi akan dtg..
poyo!!psycho!! (emo plak aku..)
but it is true right? this is what currently happen in msia right?
full of absent-minded ppl..mybe not all..but some ppl has tarnish the good quality of our environment..
so that the young gen wont longer be able to appreciate the environment..poor them *sighh*
so lagi..
do something for our river..
start la dgn tidak mmbuang smpah ke dalam sungai..
(aku ng mother aku penah sound makcik buang smpah lam sungai..eheheh..padan muka!)