this is heidi azra. she is 1 year and 2 months old. recently, short after her first birthday she discovered her new ability i.e walking. since then, she never stop walking, never for long. she will walks in the hall,into the kitchen,the bedroom,the bathroom and every single space that she can reach. if she is outside, she will walk the long way just to enjoy the beauty of walking.actually, when u see her walking, it is more like running. her mama and papa are being forced to keep pace with her so that she will not tumble down.
for the sake of her new walking feet, her mama n papa had bought her two pairs of new shoes. one is from puma n another one is adidas. 
can u see the pattern?it is generally for boys, but hey who cares? when u have a daughter who is as hyper as a boy can be, u won't consider to buy her pretty-girly-pink-petite-cute shoe because at the end of the day (i mean about 1 week or so) u sure have to buy her a new pair of shoe which is much more durable n lasts for seasons. but for her adidas shoe, it's pink anyway..hehe.
can u see the pattern?it is generally for boys, but hey who cares? when u have a daughter who is as hyper as a boy can be, u won't consider to buy her pretty-girly-pink-petite-cute shoe because at the end of the day (i mean about 1 week or so) u sure have to buy her a new pair of shoe which is much more durable n lasts for seasons. but for her adidas shoe, it's pink anyway..hehe.
moral of the story : let ur child discover the beauty of the world with his/her own feet so that he/she won't blame u if someday they cannot recognize between column and pole..ehehehhe (my daughter hit a concrete column when she was busy staring at a sign pole while walking).