ikutkan hati bukan cara ini yang aku suka tapi kerana terpaksa aku perlu luahkan rasa. rasa yang membuku yang tiada siapa tahu kerana penceritaannya tidak pernah berlaku.
perlukah aku berkecil hati bila rasa ketidakadilan membelenggu diri? aku anak yang terasa sangat dipinggirkan kini. punya ibu bapa tetapi mereka punya wasangka padaku. punya adik lelaki tetapi kerana dia semua ini terjadi. punya juga adik perempuan yang sangat beruntung wujud dirinya. aku seolah tiada lagi fungsi di dalam keluarga ini.
yang tinggal hanya aku dan si kecil itu menghadapi hari secara syok sendiri..huhuu..
...once upon a time...
woo hoo..
tolak arini tinggal 8 hari lagi nk raya..and i've been spending a lot..
a lot means banyaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk sgt duit aku kuar mcm air..gosh!
masuk smlm je aku da blanja RM500++..just for heidi...heidi saje ok..how lah!
bile kire2 balik...gulp..oh no! nk menyesal silap ar kan..
tp aku x kisah la..sbb all the clothing yg i beli utk makcik kecik tu sume i sker..terbaekk!
lgpun..adela pakcik baik ati btau muke heidi cam laki..OMG..nk je aku tampar muke org tu..haha..emo!
so aku beli la dressess yg cantik utk btau yg my princess to is actually a princess..haha..
tu belum lg beli aksesori umah, baking supplies nk wt kukis raya, biskut raya,so on n so forth..
fuhhh..pokai ranap aku bulan nih..
p/s: da la bengang kump sokongan je dapat bonus..mcm aku ni duit berkepuk2 je la kan..pftt!
tolak arini tinggal 8 hari lagi nk raya..and i've been spending a lot..
a lot means banyaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk sgt duit aku kuar mcm air..gosh!
masuk smlm je aku da blanja RM500++..just for heidi...heidi saje ok..how lah!
bile kire2 balik...gulp..oh no! nk menyesal silap ar kan..
tp aku x kisah la..sbb all the clothing yg i beli utk makcik kecik tu sume i sker..terbaekk!
lgpun..adela pakcik baik ati btau muke heidi cam laki..OMG..nk je aku tampar muke org tu..haha..emo!
so aku beli la dressess yg cantik utk btau yg my princess to is actually a princess..haha..
tu belum lg beli aksesori umah, baking supplies nk wt kukis raya, biskut raya,so on n so forth..
fuhhh..pokai ranap aku bulan nih..
p/s: da la bengang kump sokongan je dapat bonus..mcm aku ni duit berkepuk2 je la kan..pftt!
i'm in dilemma right now..
sangat rasa serba salah..confused..blank..blur..sumerlah..
dia suda kerja kembali..
baguskah? tidak baguskah?
betul2 ke dia da berubah?
tp hati saya mcm2 rase..
mcm da x nk..mcm nak..
mcm kesian..
menyampah da pasti..tp benci tu sikit lagi..
tp sekarang dia da keja..
dan dia janji akan mulakan tanggungjawab dia lepas ni..
tp smpai matikah? ke hangat2 taik babi je..haih!
apekah takkan berulang? apekah akan berulang?
wahh..tersepit saya ni..
korang sume tak payah runsing..
biar saya sorang je yang pening..
korang baca je..
toksah pikir ape-ape..
sangat rasa serba salah..confused..blank..blur..sumerlah..
dia suda kerja kembali..
baguskah? tidak baguskah?
betul2 ke dia da berubah?
tp hati saya mcm2 rase..
mcm da x nk..mcm nak..
mcm kesian..
menyampah da pasti..tp benci tu sikit lagi..
tp sekarang dia da keja..
dan dia janji akan mulakan tanggungjawab dia lepas ni..
tp smpai matikah? ke hangat2 taik babi je..haih!
apekah takkan berulang? apekah akan berulang?
wahh..tersepit saya ni..
korang sume tak payah runsing..
biar saya sorang je yang pening..
korang baca je..
toksah pikir ape-ape..
ramadhan:day 6
today is the 6th day of ramadhan..
smlm was not a good day for me..
am only breakfasting at 8..
reason why?hmm..got into fight again..duh!
tp lantakla..i'm calm now..
and much better..
smlm..marah2 tp still masak jugak (xdela nk kate baik..tp kalu x masak nk mkn pe la plak kan..)
i masak kembong tempoyak cair, kentang goreng berlada n tumis kubis..
mcm sedap..tp selera kaput..so mkn skali tu je la..eh baru pasan ah..da 2 3 arini mkn skali jugakla..xde tambah2..pkembangan nih..hopefully can shed SOME weight..eheheh
heidi pn skrg baru ok tastebud dia..before this bagila pape pn..haraaaamm nk makan..
like the other day, she ate rice+serunding daging, pastu mkn plak koko krunch+milk..wah..habis ko..
smlm gak baca blog kak aishah..and ade satu post tu psl her twins latest vocabs..tgelak baca..
so trase gak mcm nk share latest vocabs heidi..bykla sangat..tp jarang yg bebutir..(ala..nnti da pndai ckp ko plak yg x larat layan wehh..eehehe)
since heidi are sent to nursery..so bykla yg dia pndaikan..tp have to tapis her words..taula anta nursery ni..and consider today's generation yg bapakla bijaknyer..ishh..bykla nk kene tapis..
so here are some of the vocabs yg dia tgh nk discover:
- 'ef si si : its either KFC or KLCC..dia confuse ok..bile soh sbut K.F.C dia ikutla..pstu kang dia sebutla bnde ni balik..
- bom : baring
- mama, heidi cing (sambil tunjuk suar dia) / mama, yak : i ajar dia sblm nk kncing or berak cakap..dia x..da settle baru btau..sungguhla budak nih..
- popo pwunch : koko krunch
- asik : nasi
- ecoh aa : kecoh ar..(klaka gile dia ckp ni..lembut je suare dia)
- abam : abang (but refer it to her father..bley?)
- tomes : thomas, henwy: henry,ercy:percy,dabes:douglas,duna:donald,germs:james,
euwerd:edward,doden:gordon (all thomas n friends nyer character..hafal okeh)
- iee..suk: iee..busuk (especially seluar,diapers)
tu la antaranya..byk lagi but she's progressing..hopefully she can speak clearly upon nearing 3 y.o..
ok..have to stop here..got meeting..
MOTS : for those who sent kids to nursery..mmgla kne bt prevention action everytime balik umah..especially on their use of words..ckp kt dorg which word is good and which aren't..mmgla dorg x paham..tp later..they will get it..and limit urself from using it (peringatan khas utk saya..huhuu)
smlm was not a good day for me..
am only breakfasting at 8..
reason why?hmm..got into fight again..duh!
tp lantakla..i'm calm now..
and much better..
smlm..marah2 tp still masak jugak (xdela nk kate baik..tp kalu x masak nk mkn pe la plak kan..)
i masak kembong tempoyak cair, kentang goreng berlada n tumis kubis..
mcm sedap..tp selera kaput..so mkn skali tu je la..eh baru pasan ah..da 2 3 arini mkn skali jugakla..xde tambah2..pkembangan nih..hopefully can shed SOME weight..eheheh
heidi pn skrg baru ok tastebud dia..before this bagila pape pn..haraaaamm nk makan..
like the other day, she ate rice+serunding daging, pastu mkn plak koko krunch+milk..wah..habis ko..
smlm gak baca blog kak aishah..and ade satu post tu psl her twins latest vocabs..tgelak baca..
so trase gak mcm nk share latest vocabs heidi..bykla sangat..tp jarang yg bebutir..(ala..nnti da pndai ckp ko plak yg x larat layan wehh..eehehe)
since heidi are sent to nursery..so bykla yg dia pndaikan..tp have to tapis her words..taula anta nursery ni..and consider today's generation yg bapakla bijaknyer..ishh..bykla nk kene tapis..
so here are some of the vocabs yg dia tgh nk discover:
- 'ef si si : its either KFC or KLCC..dia confuse ok..bile soh sbut K.F.C dia ikutla..pstu kang dia sebutla bnde ni balik..
- bom : baring
- mama, heidi cing (sambil tunjuk suar dia) / mama, yak : i ajar dia sblm nk kncing or berak cakap..dia x..da settle baru btau..sungguhla budak nih..
- popo pwunch : koko krunch
- asik : nasi
- ecoh aa : kecoh ar..(klaka gile dia ckp ni..lembut je suare dia)
- abam : abang (but refer it to her father..bley?)
- tomes : thomas, henwy: henry,ercy:percy,dabes:douglas,duna:donald,germs:james,
euwerd:edward,doden:gordon (all thomas n friends nyer character..hafal okeh)
- iee..suk: iee..busuk (especially seluar,diapers)
tu la antaranya..byk lagi but she's progressing..hopefully she can speak clearly upon nearing 3 y.o..
ok..have to stop here..got meeting..
MOTS : for those who sent kids to nursery..mmgla kne bt prevention action everytime balik umah..especially on their use of words..ckp kt dorg which word is good and which aren't..mmgla dorg x paham..tp later..they will get it..and limit urself from using it (peringatan khas utk saya..huhuu)
keracunan makanan yang diracun. AH?APE??
jumaat mlm sbtu lepas perut aku sakit..gile babi nyer sakit smpai aku rase slsema babi pn x sakit camtu (giler ah leh tau H1N1 sakit caner..)dlm hati "ahh..sok nk pose..xkn nk sakit cmni gak? sejak bile plak perut aku xleh adapt x mkn sehari ni..sengal" so aku bt xtau je..padehal..
babah kejut aku bgn sahur..mkn nasik lebey kurang..pstu mase nk minum air ttibe rase mual nk muntah.."cis..xleh jadi ni.."aku masuk bilik air nk bteleku jap..skali kuar abis sume sgala mala mknn aku.."ahh..cirit la plak.."xpe aku ttp maintain..
melepek xleh bt pe..nk tlg masak pn fail..bgn je rase nk muntah..bgn jer rase nk tcirit..last2 aku tsadai je atas katil smpai bukak pose..(tetap gagah ok nk pose gak..tsk)seb baek ade adik tlg jagakan heidi..seb baek heidi sporting maut x kaco aku tdo..fuhh..
mlm lps bukak pose..
x settle lg prob aku ni..mkn pn rase pasir je..aku terpikir..pe la yg aku kunyah aritu..last2 aku bt ksimpulan aku mkn mkanan yg tlhdiracuni dicemari..so maknanye aku da kene food poisoning la nih..duh..benci!
so esok sahur pn slambe muntah n cirit..last2 aku sound kt babah "krg bwk along g klinik tau.." x bleh blah la..
gi klinik doc prescribed byk gile ubat..6 jenis banyakla tu kan..so mendapatla aku x pose smlm..sbb x tahan gile..eheheh..xpe nnti ganti..
MOTS: tutup mknn dgn cling wrap..jgn men letak je bwh tudung saji..maybe lalats xleh masuk..tp bntg len i.e lipas boleh..(kt kuarters aku tu..koloni lipas sdg bmaharajalela..)
babah kejut aku bgn sahur..mkn nasik lebey kurang..pstu mase nk minum air ttibe rase mual nk muntah.."cis..xleh jadi ni.."aku masuk bilik air nk bteleku jap..skali kuar abis sume sgala mala mknn aku.."ahh..cirit la plak.."xpe aku ttp maintain..
melepek xleh bt pe..nk tlg masak pn fail..bgn je rase nk muntah..bgn jer rase nk tcirit..last2 aku tsadai je atas katil smpai bukak pose..(tetap gagah ok nk pose gak..tsk)seb baek ade adik tlg jagakan heidi..seb baek heidi sporting maut x kaco aku tdo..fuhh..
mlm lps bukak pose..
x settle lg prob aku ni..mkn pn rase pasir je..aku terpikir..pe la yg aku kunyah aritu..last2 aku bt ksimpulan aku mkn mkanan yg tlh
so esok sahur pn slambe muntah n cirit..last2 aku sound kt babah "krg bwk along g klinik tau.." x bleh blah la..
gi klinik doc prescribed byk gile ubat..6 jenis banyakla tu kan..so mendapatla aku x pose smlm..sbb x tahan gile..eheheh..xpe nnti ganti..
MOTS: tutup mknn dgn cling wrap..jgn men letak je bwh tudung saji..maybe lalats xleh masuk..tp bntg len i.e lipas boleh..(kt kuarters aku tu..koloni lipas sdg bmaharajalela..)
how to say this?
it has been a long time since i last wrote..
it's due now..i think..
why i'm writing back?
well..so many things happened in such a short time..
which most of it i called dugaan..
why dugaan?becoz it shook my senses..leaving me vulnerable..
it hurts deeply..painfully..
i'm not recovering yet..in the middle of ending this miserable thing..
hope everything will turn normal again..
and my baby can live happily..without having to be the watcher and listener..
poor girl..i owe u a big gigantic apology..
sungguh sakit.. bila org yg kita harapkan menjaga, memelihara dan melindungi tidak menjalankan tanggungjawabnya..lebih pedih bila kesemuanya jatuh atas bahu kita..
i may be a whiner..but i only whine on my rights..
i will continue whining till i get things straight and clear..
bosan jadi batu loncatan..benci jadi kambing hitam..
ade kwn2 ckp kt aku utk byk2 bersabar..perkara kecik x payahla nk gado pjg2..
i appreciate their advice n thought..
tapi..hmm..hard to say..
i'm the one who suffer..so i just can smile n say..we'll see..
so to all others who suffered the same problem..
bkn nk menghasut ke ape ke kan..sume tpulang pd diri sendiri..
mmgla sayang family..tp smpai bile bole tahan, ye x?
it's abour time u love urself n ur child..first..
and friends..slamat bpuasa!
it has been a long time since i last wrote..
it's due now..i think..
why i'm writing back?
well..so many things happened in such a short time..
which most of it i called dugaan..
why dugaan?becoz it shook my senses..leaving me vulnerable..
it hurts deeply..painfully..
i'm not recovering yet..in the middle of ending this miserable thing..
hope everything will turn normal again..
and my baby can live happily..without having to be the watcher and listener..
poor girl..i owe u a big gigantic apology..
sungguh sakit.. bila org yg kita harapkan menjaga, memelihara dan melindungi tidak menjalankan tanggungjawabnya..lebih pedih bila kesemuanya jatuh atas bahu kita..
i may be a whiner..but i only whine on my rights..
i will continue whining till i get things straight and clear..
bosan jadi batu loncatan..benci jadi kambing hitam..
ade kwn2 ckp kt aku utk byk2 bersabar..perkara kecik x payahla nk gado pjg2..
i appreciate their advice n thought..
tapi..hmm..hard to say..
i'm the one who suffer..so i just can smile n say..we'll see..
so to all others who suffered the same problem..
bkn nk menghasut ke ape ke kan..sume tpulang pd diri sendiri..
mmgla sayang family..tp smpai bile bole tahan, ye x?
it's abour time u love urself n ur child..first..
and friends..slamat bpuasa!
i watched town
hello people..i'm back..
lame kan..x tulis kt sini..bzla..
lgpun skrg ni aku kt jepun..so smntara ade byk citer nih..
n fresh..baikla aku hapdet blog ni..
1st town yg aku g scara official ialah kurihashi town..
asal official?ehehehe..
sbb da tmasuk lam syllabus course ni..kire wajib pegila kn..
tmpt ni dlu kene taufan..dulu tu thn 1947..
pstu ade levee pecah kt area situ..n banjir teruk la..
ramai la org yg mati n reta bnda hancus..
eh..eh..korg taukan levee tu ape kan..
tau kan..baguss..

so in order to prevent the next catastrophe (kalu ade..) dorg pn construct la super levee..
bapakla tinggi levee tu..da macam bukit di depan umah anda..ehehehhe..
tinggi wei..lebih 7 meter ade..
tp yg syoknyer..atr levee ngan sungai tu ade flood plain..
so mase musim x banjir..mcm2 aktiviti la dorg bt kt situ..
kire mcm kawasan lapang utk berekreasi..
(mase aku g..ade sorg pakcik tu tgh main golf..testing power sehh..)
dlm ati aku..tmpt korg luas terbentang..nk bt cam ni mmg la xde hal..tanah pn byk
cube test kt malaysia..confirm mngaum sume org..
xleh tgk sungai la..sungai sumber inspirasi la..ape kami nk makan kalu da x nmpk sungai la..
tanah mahal la..apela..bla bla bla..wtf?
oo..tp buang segala mak nenek smpah lam sungai tu xpe plak..
xde plak pk sungai tu sumber kehidupan..slambe je kotorkn sungai xdela plak pk sg tu utk generasi akan dtg..
poyo!!psycho!! (emo plak aku..)
but it is true right? this is what currently happen in msia right?
full of absent-minded ppl..mybe not all..but some ppl has tarnish the good quality of our environment..
so that the young gen wont longer be able to appreciate the environment..poor them *sighh*
so korang2..pe lagi..
do something for our river..
start la dgn tidak mmbuang smpah ke dalam sungai..
(aku ng mother aku penah sound makcik buang smpah lam sungai..eheheh..padan muka!)
lame kan..x tulis kt sini..bzla..
lgpun skrg ni aku kt jepun..so smntara ade byk citer nih..
n fresh..baikla aku hapdet blog ni..
1st town yg aku g scara official ialah kurihashi town..
asal official?ehehehe..
sbb da tmasuk lam syllabus course ni..kire wajib pegila kn..
tmpt ni dlu kene taufan..dulu tu thn 1947..
pstu ade levee pecah kt area situ..n banjir teruk la..
ramai la org yg mati n reta bnda hancus..
eh..eh..korg taukan levee tu ape kan..
tau kan..baguss..

so in order to prevent the next catastrophe (kalu ade..) dorg pn construct la super levee..
bapakla tinggi levee tu..da macam bukit di depan umah anda..ehehehhe..
tinggi wei..lebih 7 meter ade..
tp yg syoknyer..atr levee ngan sungai tu ade flood plain..
so mase musim x banjir..mcm2 aktiviti la dorg bt kt situ..
kire mcm kawasan lapang utk berekreasi..
(mase aku g..ade sorg pakcik tu tgh main golf..testing power sehh..)
dlm ati aku..tmpt korg luas terbentang..nk bt cam ni mmg la xde hal..tanah pn byk
cube test kt malaysia..confirm mngaum sume org..
xleh tgk sungai la..sungai sumber inspirasi la..ape kami nk makan kalu da x nmpk sungai la..
tanah mahal la..apela..bla bla bla..wtf?
oo..tp buang segala mak nenek smpah lam sungai tu xpe plak..
xde plak pk sungai tu sumber kehidupan..slambe je kotorkn sungai xdela plak pk sg tu utk generasi akan dtg..
poyo!!psycho!! (emo plak aku..)
but it is true right? this is what currently happen in msia right?
full of absent-minded ppl..mybe not all..but some ppl has tarnish the good quality of our environment..
so that the young gen wont longer be able to appreciate the environment..poor them *sighh*
so korang2..pe lagi..
do something for our river..
start la dgn tidak mmbuang smpah ke dalam sungai..
(aku ng mother aku penah sound makcik buang smpah lam sungai..eheheh..padan muka!)
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